Press Release

STAT Emergency Center of Laredo in the Press

STAT Emergency Center of Laredo Commercial COMING SOON!

KGNS filmed a commercial to promote Stat Emergency of North Laredo’s location, where the patients will enjoy the comfort of an upscale medical environment, without the typical inconvenience common to a hospital- based setting. When seconds are being counted, turn to Stat Emergency Center of Laredo, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Stat Emergency Center of Laredo Featured in KGNS TV Report

LAREDO, TEXAS (KGNS) – The landscape in North Laredo is changing, as more businesses seem to popping up in what used to be a primarily industrial area.You may have seen a map on social media that show a lot of new businesses coming to North Laredo. As far the city is concerned, some of that is true, just not all of it.